Do you or a loved one worry about getting glaucoma? Have you wondered if you might be at risk, and if so, what should you watch for? Keep reading to learn more about glaucoma and find out who is at risk for it! What Is Glaucoma? Do you sometimes notice a dark spot when trying […]
Read MorePosted in Glaucoma | August 27, 2021
Did you know that glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the US? Glaucoma impairs your vision beyond corrective action. Many patients with glaucoma use eye drops to treat their intraocular pressure. But others may need to have surgery to help lower this. Glaucoma surgeries cannot restore vision loss but they may be […]
Read MorePosted in Glaucoma | January 29, 2021
There are a few ways to treat glaucoma, but by far the most common way is through the use of specialized eye drops. These eye drops cannot reverse the damage done by glaucoma. That’s because any vision loss due to glaucoma is unfortunately permanent. But they do stop glaucoma from worsening, preventing any more vision […]
Read MorePosted in Glaucoma | October 31, 2019
Glaucoma is a complicated condition that is very worrisome for several different reasons. The most common form of glaucoma is open-angle glaucoma and is referred to as “the silent thief of sight”. This is because it produces no noticeable symptoms, other than vision loss. The worst part is that any vision lost due to glaucoma […]
Read MorePosted in Glaucoma | May 16, 2019
Glaucoma is a nightmare of a disease. Not only is it incurable with no warning signs, but any vision lost from it is permanent. That doesn’t mean you should lose hope! Glaucoma is treatable. When treated, glaucoma can be slowed down to prevent it progressing further. This requires you to have frequent medical exams. Keep reading […]
Read MorePosted in Glaucoma, Uncategorized | November 9, 2018